Our Autism Evaluation Process

Each evaluation is individualized to meet the unique needs of the child.

Step 1: Parent Intake & Pre-Assessment Activities

Before the evaluation begins, we conduct an interview with you in order to develop a better understanding of your child’s development, current level functioning and the nature of your concerns. We will also review your responses to a standardized questionnaire that will ask you to complete before our appointment. If your child has been previously evaluated we will also review results from previous testing and relevant medical records. Based on the information collected during this step we will design an assessment protocol tailored to meet your child’s specific needs and address your concerns.

Step 2: Testing and Direct Observations

We conduct a series of structured and unstructured activities to assess key areas of development, which includes:

Standardized Autism & Behavioral Assessments

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS-2) is considered an especially important diagnostic tool, that is nearly always conducted as part of the evaluation process, because it has been specifically designed to assess a child’s social communication, play, and restricted/repetitive behaviors. We also will ask you and other other stakeholders to complete questionnaires that help us to better understand the nature of your child’s behaviors as they relate to Autism and other commonly co-occurring conditions.

Cognitive & Developmental Testing

These tests provide insight into your child’s cognitive abilities. By evaluating intellectual skills, problem-solving approaches, and how they process information, we gain a clearer understanding of their unique strengths and challenges, as well as how they approach tasks and learn new skills. We will also assess your child’s ability to engage in developmentally appropriate daily living skills which can be especially useful when identifying areas for intervention.

Language and Communication Skills

We assess your child’s expressive and receptive language abilities to understand how they communicate their needs, thoughts, and emotions. This includes evaluating how they comprehend language, form sentences, and interact with others in social contexts, giving us a comprehensive picture of their communication strengths and challenges.

Behavioral Observations

Throughout this process, our clinicians will observe your child’s behavior in structured tasks and free play to identify patterns, triggers, and interactions that influence their everyday functioning. These observations help us understand how your child approaches social situations, responds to challenges, and adapts to new environments, contributing valuable insights to the overall assessment and diagnosis.

Step 3: Consult with Medical Professionals, Teachers, and Caregivers

If your child is in school or daycare, we will reach out to their teacher and other stakeholders (with your consent) for additional information. As with previous steps we will use standardized rating scales and observations to understand your child’s social interactions, behavior, and academic skills across multiple settings. Given that specific medical conditions can significantly impact a child’s development and behavior, we will want to consult with other professionals involved in your child’s care, such as pediatricians and medical specialists, with the goal being to gather a holistic view of their developmental and health history.

Step 4: Analysis and Report Writing

After the testing is complete, our team carefully scores and analyzes the test data. We integrate all data—including standardized test scores, observations, and input from parents and caregivers—into a comprehensive profile of your child’s abilities and needs which serves as the basis for our diagnostic decision. During this step we will create a report that explains the results from the testing and key findings that contribute to our decisions.

Step 5: Feedback Session

During the feedback session, we will explain the assessment findings in clear, parent-friendly language. If applicable, we will provide a formal diagnosis and answer any questions that you may have for our team. Regardless of the whether or not your child meets the criteria for a formal diagnosis, we will be sure to emphasize your child’s strengths and discuss areas of need for further development. As part of this step we will also offer personalized recommendations for therapy, educational support and other potential interventions. We are also happy to follow up with your child’s medical professional and other providers. At the conclusion of this meeting you will receive a detailed written report that includes all test results, diagnostic conclusions, and actionable recommendations.

Step 6: Ongoing Support and Follow-Up

Following the evaluation, we are here to support your family. This includes helping you navigate next steps, such as accessing therapy, school services, or community programs. We are also happy to follow up with your child’s medical providers, with your consent, in order to share and disucss the results of your child’s evaluation. After the evaluation, our team is always available for follow-up consultations so as to address additional questions or help you implement recommendations.

How Long Does the Process Take?

The entire evaluation process typically spans 2–4 weeks, depending on scheduling availability and the complexity of the assessment. At Pisecco & Associates, we’re committed to providing a thorough, compassionate, and collaborative process to ensure you feel supported every step of the way. Contact us today to start the process!